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rand0M aXiS rand0M rants

Eat Crow, Iraq War Skeptics

Hope Rides Alone

California Dreaming

Editorials by John Huang II:

Deer in the Headlights
Hooked on Stupid
Have you hugged a Latin American tyrant today?
Shattering the chattering class ceiling
Prosperity is just around the corner!

Skiing on the World's highest slopes: GULMARG in Kashmir, India

Clip One     |     Clip Two

Islam's Not for Me! Rave Iranian Style
Bombing Binnie
[a shockwave flash parody of Day-O]
stuck in the Astral Plane
[a shockwave flash tribute to Jerry Garcia]
My Little Runaway
[we may have to blow Iran-ran-ran away!]
Quotes from the Koran
    [In case you hadn't seen it before...]
New Order: Ceremony [Live]

Original rand0M aXiS server, circa 1993 in Berkeley


Special War on Terror Video Section

Failed Ambush on 12 January 2007

Video of Iraqi Suicide Bomber Being "Assisted"

Zarqawi's Death Remix

Taking Care of Business    [Killing Terrorists in Iraq from Above]
This is remarkable film footage. This is a night vision movie from Iraq, showing live action against Iraqi insurgents. The pictures were taken from an Apache gunship two and a half miles from the target. The guys in the picture are setting up a roadside bomb and planning to ambush an American convoy which followed a short while after the pictures were taken. They were setting up the ambush and were pacing off the distance from the bomb to where the convoy was to pass by.

Turn your sound up. The level of effort these Specter crews put forth to control the enemy's antics is commendable, and their marksmanship with those electronically controlled 40mm cannons is astounding.

Killing a Terrorist with a Headshot

AC-130 Gunship: Targeting Video in Afghanistan 12/06/02

Apache Gattling Gun

Palestinian Thugs    |    Palestinian Thugs II

! ! !Mujahadeen Execute Russian Soldier in Afghanistan ! ! !

Ridgetop Cave    |    Ridgetop Cave II

JDAM Explosion

Jihad! PBS Show

Taliban Bodies Special Edition

Rare Video of the Top Secret Aurora Crash

NEFA Foundation Videos:
UK Islamist Protest    |    US Islamist Protest    |    Role of Foreign Fighters in Iraq Jihad

Old Stuff:

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Crybaby Kerry

[WARNING: Graphics Intensive!]
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John Roskelley
Spokane & Climbers
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If Patton was President
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Islamists Are Insane
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Public Statement
by the
Rev. Jesse Jackson
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A Message
the Clintons
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in these
United States
Gun Ban
Results in
Tragic Deaths
What good
can a handgun
do against
an Army?
Kennedy is "All Wet"
Justifiable Homicide:
Shooting the Babykillers
And whats wrong
with being extremist?
List of must read
books exposing Islam
Random Thoughts
Woman's Behavior
rand0M Thoughts
Mid-Life Crisis
Not This August:
A China Scenario

by John Derbyshire
Give Me Liberty
or Give Me Death

by Patrick Henry
on March 23, 1775

by Patricia Neill
Where's the Pisser? Beserkeley Dreaming summary.jpg - 7916 Bytes
Summary of the War
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Terrorism In
Early America

by Thomas Jewett
How the British
Broke the Thugs
of India
[How to
Apply Those
Methods Against

by Steve Bonta
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The History
World War Three

by Sal Rosken

Original Bhaktivedanta Memorial Library Site

William Slayman

Homosexuality & Spirituality
[from an Interview with Siddhasvarupa prabhu]

Women Who Sleep With Their Gurus
[a Krishna Conscious Perspective]
by Krishna Kirti Das

Liberal Christianity is Paying for its Sins
[Out-of-the-mainstream beliefs about gay marriage and supposedly sexist doctrines are gutting old-line faiths.]
by Charlotte Allen

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Grateful Dead Video Section

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