Hooked on Stupid

by John Huang II

The idea of Gen. Wesley Clark attacking John McCain for his military service is so stupid, Obama must have thought it up. You'll recall that, back in 2003, Clark announced he was running for president, then quickly thereafter surrendered to the French candidate, John Kerry.

Appearing on Face The Nation Sunday, forcibly retired Gen. Clark accused McCain of being "untested and untried" and said he's not as qualified as Obama to be president because McCain "hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded -- that wasn't a wartime squadron . . . I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become President."

Clark then started listing Obama's vast executive experience, such as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not to mention Obama's wartime record of commanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and the torture he endured at the hands of the ladies of The View.

McCain managed to get the Bronze star, the Purple Heart, the Silver star, the Legion of Merit and Distinguished Flying Cross by just "riding" in a plane, according to Clark. For his wise and visionary decision to bomb the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and almost start WWIII with the Russians, Gen. Talking Anus got fired. After crafting the quagmire in Kosovo, Clark was relieved of his command due to lack of character by the Clinton administration. No, that is not a typo.

After it became clear -- even to the New York Times -- that Obama's idiotic gambit of using Clark to trash McCain was idiotic (and massively backfiring), the press went into overdrive insisting that of course Obama had nothing to do with Clark's comments and of course this was just an isolated incident and of course no one thinks Obama would try to question McCain's credentials because of course Obama is so full of credentials himself and just because Obama's having 'this patriotism problem' and bad menstrual cramps doesn't mean he'd have surrogates go on Sunday shows denigrating McCain's manhood, and of course (again) Clark was just an isolated incident.

In one of the most amazing coincidences, the Clark isolated incident was followed by the Rand Beers isolated incident the very next day. Beers on Monday questioned McCain's capability to be war-time leader compared to Obama's (which consisted of doing dope, paling around with a Weatherman terrorist and having Jeremiah Wright as his "moral compass") and said McCain couldn't know the true cost of the Vietnam War "because he was in isolation (as POW) essentially for many of those years and did not experience the turmoil here or the challenges that were involved . . ." Since McCain was living it up in style in the deluxe Hanoi Hilton, "his national security experience in that regard is sadly limited," unlike Obama, whose rich foreign policy experience began with doing coloring books in Indonesia.

And, while we're on the subject of amazing coincidences and brilliant attack lines, the Beers and Clark isolated incidents coincidentally followed the Sen. Tom Harkin and Sen. John Rockefeller isolated incidents. Back in May, Harkin denounced McCain's military record and accused him of being psychologically unfit to be president because "everything is looked at from his life experiences, from always having been in the military, and I think that can be pretty dangerous." (Dangerous" George Washington and "dangerous" Dwight Eisenhower spring to mind.)

Raising questions about whether he himself is a nut, Harkin once claimed he was a Navy pilot in Vietnam "flying F-4s and F-8s on combat patrols and photo-reconnaissance support missions" -- then failed to denounce his own military record when he ran for president in 1992! Instead, he made it the centerpiece of his campaign. It later turned out that Harkin fabricated the whole story (though, in fairness, his service record shows he did receive the Phony Soldier Service Medal).

As for that other feller (Sen. Rockefeller), in April he made a fool of himself when he denounced McCain's military record, claiming he's just a warmonger "who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit. What happened when they get to the ground? He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues."

Then it turns out Rockefeller never gets into those issues. There were no "laser-guided missiles" being dropped from 35,000 feet because bombs weren't "laser-guided" in the '60s and '70s. Being completely ignorant of this, Rockefeller co-chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Obama keeps trying to merge McCain with Bush but it's more like Obama merging Obama with loser-boy, John Kerry, or worse, George McGovern, given that Democrats have once again embraced the winning strategy of re-fighting the Vietnam War. It worked so well for them in 2004. With the "Iraq Quagmire" meme itself stuck in a quagmire because of The Surge, Democrats just don't have Iraq to kick around anymore. So it's back to Vietnam for the party hooked on stupid. Running Sen. George McGandhi against Nixon in '72 gave Democrats a 49-state thrashing. It won't be that lop-sided this go 'round, but in running Barack Hussein McBambi, the little darlings are doing their best to lose.

Anyway, that's...
My Two Cents...

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