Have you hugged a Latin American tyrant today?

by John Huang II

Being America-haters themselves, liberals have always had the hots for America-hating communist dictatorships, so on Sunday libbies were having paroxysms of fury that Honduras's Hugo Chavez-wannabe Manuel Zelaya got his butt ousted from power in what the New York Times insists on falsely calling a military "coup". It turns out that Zelaya's removal was ordered by Honduras's Supreme Court, the military was merely complying. Hey, I thought liberals loved court-ordered things, like court-ordered busing, court-ordered racial quotas and stuff?

Obama was so upset at what had happened in Honduras, he didn't go out for ice cream. Instead of waiting a whole week to respond, he swiftly issued a statement expressing 'deep concern' that the military had not allowed Zelaya's abuse of the constitution to go forward via an illegal referendum. Also expressing 'deep concern' were such beacons of democracy as Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez. "I call on all political and social actors in Honduras to respect democratic norms, the rule of law and the tenets of the Inter-American Democratic Charter," said Obama's Teleprompter in an angry statement.

Hillary Clinton was furious, too! "The action taken against [Zelaya] violates the precepts of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, and thus should be condemned by all!", she said, insisting that the autocrat must be restored to power in order to have freedom there.

Liberals insist we should never interfere in any other nation's internal affairs, except for Honduras. Castro has butchered around 100,000, North Korea is starving, beating and executing people in "labor camps" and Iran's mullahs slaughter protesters in cold blood, but it's Honduras that has liberals upset.

Like a good little liberal, Zelaya had no use for his country's constitution. Under the Honduran system, oddly just like under the American system, the president doesn't have the authority to unilaterally change the constitution, so Zelaya insisted he did, attempting a rewrite by having Chavez ship him the requisite illegal ballots in order to hold an illegal referendum to let him seek another term. The Honduran Supremes ruled the planned vote unconstitutional, basing their ruling on something called 'the plain text of the constitution'. Congress would have to approve the referendum to call for a constituent assembly.

After the military was ordered by the high court not to cooperate in the illegal referendum, Zelaya fires the chief of the armed forces, who then gets reinstated by the high court. So late last week, Zelaya -- like all good democracy lovers -- led a mob of street thugs to raid the military installation storing Chevez's ballots, instructing them to pass 'em out. (President orders up street thugs. Mobs, unions. Sounds like a community organizer whose name escapes me right now.)

Under orders from the high court, the military arrested Zelaya, letting him off easy by exiling him to Costa Rica in his pajamas.

With North Korea and Iran in a bidding war to see who could be tougher with the weenie in the White House, now Chavez is upset with Obama, too, accusing him of organizing the "coup". He also accused Obama of running a banana republic.

Yet, to Obama, Honduras -- like everything else -- is just one of those 'distractions'. He's busy instilling the idea that we need to ruin our health-care system by having government run it -- then wham! "Coup" happens in Honduras. He's plugging away the notion that the feds can control the weather by raising taxes under Crap & Trade -- then wham! Another distraction -- North Korea threatens to launch missiles at Hawaii. This is what happens when you're a narcissist and the world of 'distractions' revolves around you.

Anyway, that's...
My Two Cents...

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