[See also: Introduction to a King -- Bhaktivedanta Sadhu Maharaja]
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For information regarding accomodations at Munger Raj, Sri Sri Radha Mohan Mandira, Ashram and Dharmsala contact Sripa Sadhu Maharaja. He is on tour preaching the glories of Vrndavana and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu from March thru June, but resides in the dhama the rest of the year. His cell phone number is 0/9358706177. Call him for any advise or assistance you need with regard to your Vrndavan pilgrimage. He is a host supreme!!! In the mood of his grandfather, the departed Honorable Raj Raghunandan Prasad Singh K.T.M.C.S. of Monghyr, Sripad Sadhu Maharaja has dedicated the fag end of his life at the lotus feet of the Vaisnavas. He is working in a tireless effort to renovate Munger Raj, Sri Sri Radha Mohan Mandira so that it may serve the Vaisnava community. The Deities have been served here uninterrupted since they were established in 1932. Anyone interested in assisting Sripad Sadhu Maharaja's effort with donations or other support can can contact the Bhaktivedanta Memorial Library website [ editors at bvml dot org ] and we can direct him to the proper persons, places etc.

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