Always Taken Care Of

Sriman Caitanya Das

When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was touring South India, His servant unfortunately got influenced by ladies from very attractive tribes. Anyhow, Mahaprabhu rescued him and placed him in the care of His servant. After such a difficulty His servant could no longer be directly in the association of the Lord, but still he was cared for in different circumstances.

Same type of thing happened to a disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur. His disciple became attracted to maya, but the after a time wanted to return. There was a meeting among the disciples, what to do with this boy, so they approached Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Goswami Maharaja. He remarked "I cannot take him but you can".

So we see powerful Acaryas are in the fire of Krishna Consciousness. They can stand the heat, but metals melt at different temperatures, so we are to find our place, even if we cannot stand the blazing fire. Somewhere we will find our place. Not all can stand the heat of the sun, so adjustments are made by us or others for comfortable position, either permanently or slowing raising our temperature, but in no circumstances is anybody to be left in the cold.

So in our Krishna Consciousness communities now and the future some devotee somewhere will always take care of us, and as our fire of Krishna Consciousness rises so accordingly we can get the association always of those in the appropriate place, either directly through personal association or through their literature and instructions.

Time and space are of no consequence in spiritual affairs. For us, spiritual life is always a positive journey and we will always be taken care of thanks to the wishes of our Acaryas.

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